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Most Common Complications in a Relationship

In Relationships by Romantic Moments, 0 Comments

Relationships are hard work. They need effort, time and lots of attention to last long. When people are in new relationships, it is difficult to spot potential issues in a relationship. Every couple experiences complications in a relationship at some point in time. Couples drift apart, tragedies occur or something comes in the way when … Continue reading “Most Common Complications in a Relationship”

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How to Identify If You Are in a Fake Relationship

In Relationships by Jolie Andre, 1 Comments

New relationships can be full of excitement, passion, and intrigue and you can’t help but fantasize about your future together. You want to be yourself in the relationship and make moments happy for yourself. You are truthful, loving and kind in the relationship and enjoy it. But you may be in a fake relationship and … Continue reading “How to Identify If You Are in a Fake Relationship”

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What Do Women Like to Read Online?

In Reads for Women by Romantic Moments, 0 Comments

Men and women are created differently. This difference reflects strongly in their preferences and perspective of life. According to the reading agency, men prefer to watch big screen adaptations whilst women read the books. Though, in the current day and age, it is very difficult to get time to read books, women always find a … Continue reading “What Do Women Like to Read Online?”