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Cheating or Breaking up! Which is a better way out from a Relationship

In Relationships by Romantic Moments, 0 Comments

You know that your relationship has burnt out or you are in a toxic relationship and now you want a way out from the relationship. So how do you get out of a relationship? Is cheating or breaking up the way? Cheating – Cheating can mean different things to different people. It is what the … Continue reading “Cheating or Breaking up! Which is a better way out from a Relationship”

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Why Emotional Support is Important in a Relationship

In Relationships by Romantic Moments, 0 Comments

All humans need supportive relationships in their lives. We have emotional needs that have to be met by a family member or a significant other. Usually, we depend on our significant others for emotional support as we tend to spend a lot of time with them. So, what is emotional support in a relationship? Emotional … Continue reading “Why Emotional Support is Important in a Relationship”

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Physical or Emotional Intimacy in a Relationship

In Intimacy by Romantic Moments, 0 Comments

Intimacy is important in any romantic and long-term relationship. But not many couples understand the meaning of intimacy nor its importance for a happy relationship. Intimacy is the closeness and togetherness between the two partners. Some synonyms of intimacy are affection, warmth, confidentiality, attachment and of course sex. Intimacy is about how familiar you are … Continue reading “Physical or Emotional Intimacy in a Relationship”

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Right Time to Turn Your Relationship into Marriage

In Relationships by Romantic Moments, 0 Comments

Relationships can be complex, but at the same time bring joy to humans. Because we are social creatures we cannot live alone, all by ourselves. As such people find partners with whom they can share things and lives. A romantic relationship may or may not turn into marriage depending on what both partners want. The … Continue reading “Right Time to Turn Your Relationship into Marriage”